2018 English for Teens Bible Camping Trip in Quebec



OPC Missionary to Quebec, Rev. Ben Westerveld, faithfully reaches out to the French-speaking families in his community with his "English for Teens" Bible Camping Trips.

From Rev. Westerveld:


Next week we leave for a week of camping with five teenage boys. This is the smallest "English for Teens" group that we had so far. However, all five have attended several of our camps, and the long-term relationship builds greater trust. Two come from nominal Christian homes, and three from nominal Buddhist homes.

During a disciplinary discussion with one of the youths, I asked how he knew so much about the Bible. He replied, "Because of your camps."  What a wonderful testimony of how the Lord is planting the seed of his Word through years of English for Kids and Teens Bible camps.

Our teenagers will spend one week learning how to camp. The Bible theme will revolve around our stewardship of God's creation, even as he calls us to be new creatures in Christ Jesus. Special emphasis will be placed on taking care of our bodies through heathy eating and remaining active. We'll also integrate a few environmental awareness activities.

In order to help create an English immersion experience, I will be joined by Marc Villeneuve and his two teenage sons, Josias and Benjamin, members of the Associated Reformed Presbyterian Church in Chatham, Ontario. Please pray for safety, and more importantly for the transforming work of God's Spirit in each of our lives.


The camping trip went very well. The camping experience was great, as the teens learned to set up tents, prepare meals and do the dishes. The baked potatoes, baked in the camp fire, were a hit.

Discussions about God the Creator and our stewardship were well received. A couple of spontaneous discussions about faith and church gave me insight into the teen’s spiritual reflections. The youths appreciate our camps as a venue to think and reflect on questions about God, Jesus Christ, redemption and the meaning of life, even life after death.



"I Need Religion!"


Creating Relationships with New People is Key