Adding Some Water to the Field

ASIA 2018

by Janelle Grove, Grace OPC, Vienna, VA (August 2018)For three and a half weeks this summer, I had the privilege of joining the OP team in Asia. I think of my time there as a drip in the seed-watering process. Long-term workers have been planting and watering seeds there for years through building relationships, translating literature, training leaders, etc. On the foundation of their faithful work, I was able to build on relationships that had already begun, feed interest that was already piqued, and teach a few classes that had been running for years.One of my favorite opportunities was bringing EJ with me to services.  When I say “bringing” her, I laugh to myself.  You know how some people “walk their dog” but really the dog is walking them? We were kind of like that. I facilitated EJ’s coming with me, but she was the one who made it possible for both of us to get there. I had the address but couldn’t very well explain to the taxi-driver where we needed to go. I would meet EJ at her school, and she would make sure the taxi driver got us where we needed to go. Why, you may ask, was this even slightly useful? About one year ago, EJ had privately professed faith while studying the Bible with a Christian professor, but she had not been attending services. When asked about it, she said that she would feel more comfortable going with a friend. So for three weeks, I got to be that friend as she got used to going and met more people. Even in the first week, I could tell she was taking the message to heart and applying it during the week! Praise God for the preached Word! Now that I’m gone, other people will follow-up with EJ and get her there. God was at work before I arrived and is continuing to do great things after I’ve returned home. What a privilege it was for me to watch and participate this summer.Perhaps you have been a part of God’s great work in Asia through your prayers. I thank God for you! Perhaps someone reading this will also go meet the many people God is drawing to Himself and add some water to the field!

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Learn more from others who have served in Asia


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