Blessings And Needs At The Boardwalk Chapel

Screen Shot 2013-07-18 at 4.10.15 PMby Matt Grout, Staff Member at the Boardwalk Chapel (June 2013)

 God has immensely blessed the Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, New Jersey, this summer.  We have a staff of thirteen who come from not just New Jersey but Maine, Virginia, North Carolina, Minnesota, and everywhere in between.  Among the staff are Drew and Tara Samuelsen, who serve as parents to their three sons as well as house parents to the staff.  The music director this year is Sarah Buckley, who is returning for her third year on staff.  Joining her is Ross Kucks, who will direct skits.  Caroline and Matthew Grout oversee organizing the staff and Chapel evangelism.  Rounding out the staff are Susanna Buckley Boardwalk Chapel 2(Sarah’s sister), Steff Zerbe (returning for her third year on staff), Seth Dorman, Ophelia Flowers, Lauren Fillebrown, and Isaiah and Zach English (who are brothers). This staff comes with abilities and interests in music, acting, theology, and above all, a passion to proclaim the Gospel to the lost.  Many of the greatest blessings to the Chapel have come through those outside of the staff who have sacrificed their time in order to paint the dorm where the staff live, given instruments for use in the program, used their skills to paint props for skits, and presented wisdom and hands-on experience about witnessing skills.Boardwalk Chapel 3The biggest change to the Boardwalk Chapel is that Rev. Jim  Zozzaro, the pastor of Calvary OPC in Wildwood, New Jersey, is the new director of the Chapel.  He has made and allowed for a number of smaller changes to the Chapel such as compartmentalizing the duties of the summer assistants, daily music practices, an extended training schedule for staff, and a new Boardwalk Chapel Facebook page.  The Facebook page includes pictures, videos, and written updates of the Chapel programs, training, and other events.The greatest need at the Chapel Boardwalk Chapel 1currently is prayer.  Prayer that the Gospel would go forth, for the staff (many of whom have already fallen sick), for protection in a dangerous area, and that above all, our Lord would be glorified.  The Chapel also has several pressing financial needs this summer.  The Boardwalk Chapel’s roof is visibly and severely leaking so every time it rains (usually once or twice a week) the leaking causes damage to furniture, speakers, and instruments in the Chapel.  As a result, the Chapel needs both funds as well as volunteer carpenters to help fix the roof.Boardwalk Chapel 4As part of its ministry, the Boardwalk Chapel hands out Bibles, tracts, New Testaments, and other literature for free.  Visitors come from all over the world to visit Wildwood, so much of this literature comes in a wide variety of languages.  The Boardwalk Chapel is almost out of one of its most used books, Ultimate Questions by John Blanchard.  The Chapel especially needs this booklet in English, Chinese, Russian, and French translations.  Each booklet costs $1.79 and can be ordered from the Westminster bookstore and sent to the Boardwalk Chapel.Because of the larger staff the Boardwalk Chapel has this summer, some of the staff coming on scholarship, and some of the staff bringing children, the food budget for the staff is running at a severe deficit.  The staff especially needs food that will last for periods of time in severe heat and humidity.  Paper products (paper towels and toilet paper) are also very much needed.As always, God does and will continue to provide for the Chapel and His ministry.  Thank you so much for all help, consideration, and prayer.  Keep up with happenings at the chapel at the Chapel's Facebook Page


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