God Blessed English Camp in the Ukraine (2013)

by Rev. Heero Hacquebord, OPC Missionary ot Ukraine (Summer 2013)

Praise God for another successful English Camp this summer in the Ukraine! We had an absolute blast with students practicing English, playing sports and games, and discussing God’s truth, all in the beautiful Carpathian Mountains of Western Ukraine.  God provided the best weather we have ever had (even better than the previous year), allowing for all of our outdoor activities to take place –like sports, hiking, and group games.We are also so thankful for the students God provided this year. Though only a relatively small number of them showed up for camp interviews in May (the process we use to select students), it is clear that He provided just the right ones! These students were especially thoughtful and ready to discuss, as we talked about what it means to truly follow Christ. It was some of the best discussionthat we’ve ever had at a camp!Through the week, as we discussed the many wrong ways to get back to God by trying to build our own “bridges,” it was clear that students were truly wrestling with the gospel. Many still cling to the idea that they can be “good enough” to earn God’s love and acceptance.As these students return to their daily lives, please ask the Holy Spirit to continue His work in their hearts, convicting them of their sin and showing them their dire need for Christ and what He did.  In the weeks following camp, we will follow-up with picnics, movie nights, different discussions, a lake trip, community service events, and many one-on-one meetings to strengthen our relationships with them. Many have expressed interest in continuing to meet with us. Please pray that these students would join our university group, participate in Bible studies which begin in the fall, and continue their relationships with us and each other. Pray that we would have energy, initiative, and wisdom to develop these friendships.The camp also provided an excellent opportunity to see how our Ukrainian student leaders have grown and matured over the last year. Please pray for them in particular after this camp,that God would give them vision and a strong desire to serve these new students back in L’viv. Please pray that they would be warm, hospitable, and ready to connect with new students.Praise God for His goodness throughout the entire camp process from beginning to end. We look forward expectantly to see what He will do next in the lives of these young people.Thank you for faithfully praying with us; please continue to do so! 


Good Interactions in Quebec


How Is English Camp Short-Term Missions?