Team Work at the Boardwalk Chapel

 Toolbox with tools.We just want to say "thank you" to the volunteers who are helping the Boardwalk Chapel get spruced up for the summer season!Elizabeth Horst (Coordinator of Domestic Operations at the Chapel) reports:The Chapel's Maintenance Coordinator, Rich Seither, has accomplished a great deal with the help of Charles and Elena Farrell from Brick, NJ (who will serve as House Parents to the Volunteer Staff at the Chapel this summer), Dave Weller from Brick, NJ, James Hulbert (RPCNA from NY), as well as a team from Trinity OPC in Hatboro, PA (led by Wes Brown), and the Young Adult Fellowship from Salem, NJ (led by Chanda Williams), all of whom have contributed their time and skills to the work this spring!The Chapel's lobby, auditorium, and office space have been painted. New shelves for books and tracts, a snack booth for the staff, and a preaching nook for Director Jim Zozzaro have been installed, and repairs have been made to the stage and surrounding walls. At the staff house, a lot of cleaning, painting, and re-organization has occurred, from moving furniture and putting together bunk beds, to scrubbing shower stalls and wiping down baseboards.


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