Overview - Teach ESL to Missionary Trainees in South Korea



The Missionary Training Institute in South Korea (founded in 1983 by OPC missionaries Young and Mary Lou Son), brings in volunteers from around the world to teach ESL (English as a Second Language) on a short-term basis to the missionaries, missionary candidates, and college students studying there.

From the MTI Website:

"MTI is a place where Korean missionary trainees live and study together in a residential community setting. The language spoken here is English. Native English speakers from Australia, Canada, the USA, and the U.K. assist the students in the further development of their English language skills. We seek to make MTI an international community where the students can become comfortable with foreigners and in their use of English. "In all aspects of the training, teaching and community life, the Holy Scripture is our authority. MTI is committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission being evangelical and conservative in line with the Reformed faith."

ESL Program:

Qualifications for teachers:

  • Evangelical Christians with some ESL experience (if possible)
  • Love for the Lord and people

Subjects taught:

  • English speaking, listening, writing and reading during the day.
  • Chapel and Bible study will be done by the students; teachers help them as facilitators.

Teaching materials:

  • All teaching materials are provided by MTI.
  • Curriculum is provided by MTI.
  • Daily lesson plans are generated by the teacher.

Hours of teaching:

  • 4-5 hours a day plus checking and editing students’ work in the evening.

Numbers of students:

  • About 6-7 students per class.

Aim: To teach missionaries or missionary candidates:

  • Practical words and expressions they can use for daily conversation
  • How to describe in English what they see in everyday life
  • Listening and writing skills


  • ESL teachers need to pay for their travel back and forth to South Korea
  • MTI provides lodging and meals

Further Information:

  • Visit MTI's website to learn more about the institute.


Ms. Mihyang Choi-Yoonmihyangc@hotmail.com


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Three Weeks of English for Kids