Outreach in Uruguay

by Rev. Markus Jeromin, OP Missionary Associate in Uruguay (July 2017)July 4-7, 2017, the OP Uruguay Mission hosted its first "English Club" outreach during the "winter" school break here in Montevideo, Uruguay!In the days leading up to the club, we ran a Facebook ad campaign and distributed flyers and posters in the community. We targeted high school students and adults.The mission was extremely blessed to have a team of five adults from Delta Oaks OPC (Pittsburg, California) volunteer to come to Uruguay to help us with this outreach! What a joy to see such beautiful collaboration, with some of the church plant's Uruguayan members also showing up to help out! The very able team from California did the actual English teaching while the mission handled the rest of the Club.Students were grouped by proficiency level, and each day included interactive lessons (with lots of practice and activity), singing, games, and a brief Bible lesson translated from English into Spanish.Eight different adult members of the community showed up over the course of the 4 days, some only once, and all heard the gospel presented clearly via Pastor Mike Dengerink's translated sermonettes. Emilio, the most serious student who showed up all 4 days, is now attending Sunday worship and is asking lots of questions about the faith. Thank you all for your prayers!


Read A Blessed Adventure, by Delta Oaks team member Brianna Lynch.Read Bringing Encouragement and Support by Delta Oaks Pastor's wife, Pamela Dengerink.

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A Blessed Adventure


Overview - English for Kids Bible Camp (St-Georges, Quebec)