Dust. Mount Sinai. Peanut Butter.

by Rose Perkins, Prescott OPC, Prescott, AZ

Team Haiti, a short-term missions team organized by the Presbytery of Southern California, was led in 2017 by Rev. Matthew Prather, Pastor of Corona OPC, in Corona, CA, and Team Haiti veteran Rose Perkins from Prescott OPC in Prescott, AZ.

Dust. Mount Sinai. Peanut butter. Singing. Ten commandments. Duck, duck, goose.A lot goes on at Vacation Bible School! Team Haiti 2017 did VBS at three different churches. The Haitian kiddoes had fun with crafts and got peanut butter everywhere at snack time. They played games with lots of dust flying, skirts swishing, and cheering for friends. But most importantly, over 250 Haitian kids heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. They learned about Mt. Sinai, the ten commandments, love for God & neighbor, and what it is to follow Jesus.I am so grateful to the Hopps for inviting OPC youth to serve in Haiti... what a sweet blessing to see this missionary family. It was both encouraging and challenging to hear about their struggles and their victories, to see their love for the Haitian people, and witness their prayerful reliance on Christ to build His church in Haiti. Please keep this family and their ministry in your prayers! The Lord does answer! May He cause His kingdom to come on this small island.

Team Haiti Photo Gallery:

Click here for a photo gallery and more details about the team. 


2017 Ministry Team Testimonials: We Had a Time We Will Never Forget


A Place That Needs the Gospel