It Could Not Have Been Any Better

by Carlens Delfils, Port-au-Prince, Haiti[Carlens is the son of OP Missionary Octavius Delfils in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, and served with this year's "Team Haiti," sent to Haiti by the Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California]Team Haiti 2017 was a real blessing for the churches on La Gonave and for me. The time that we spent together made me realize how much the Holy Spirit is at work in each and every one all around the world. When I first met the team at the airport, I thought they were all from one church by the way they were already united; it was after a couple of days that I found out that they came from different places! I was stressed at first because I'd never done anything like this before, but they took me in, made me feel like I was part of the team, and suddenly all the stress was gone! Some of the team members brought lessons, others did crafts, it was amazing!!!! The kids were happy, they could not take the grin off their faces. It made me really happy, it could not have been any better.And special thanks to:

  • Pastor Matt and Rosie (they were tremendous group leaders; I could not have wished for better)
  • The Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California (for letting me help out without knowing me)
  • The Hopp family and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Delmas (for trusting that I could get the work done and believing in me)



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Overview - English for Kids Bible Camps (Quebec City)