Overview - Boardwalk Chapel Ministry Teams

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A Ministry Team is a church group that goes to the OPC's Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, New Jersey:

  • to serve for a week
  • from Saturday to Saturday
  • between mid-June and early September

A Ministry Team participates in or assists the Full Time Volunteer Staff in carrying out the main activities of the Chapel which include:

  • training in evangelism and apologetics
  • engaging in evangelism on the boardwalk
  • distributing tracts and booklets
  • providing free Bibles and books
  • presenting the gospel through nightly programs
  • conducting follow-up discipleship and Bible studies when possible

A Ministry Team:

  • does not have to be from an OP church but must adhere to the Chapel's "Statement of Faith" (below)
  • must be accompanied by an adult team leader
  • may be accompanied by a minister from their church who can serve as Minister for that week at the Chapel
  • can be of variable group size and age range
  • can indicate on their application form their preferred week and their particular interests and abilities
  • may be able to serve for a shorter length of time, if necessary
  • pays a fee to the Chapel ... see application form (below)

Further Details at the Chapel's Website:


Jim Zozzaro, Director
Ms. Elizabeth Horst, Admin Assistant

Photo Galleries:

[envira-gallery id="12396"][envira-gallery id="21794"]



Boardwalk Chapel Newsletters


Overview - English Camp in the Czech Republic