Opportunities to Talk About How God Saves

by Jerry and Marilyn Farnik, Missionaries to the Czech Republic

Excerpts from Farnik Prayer Letter (August 2017):

English Camp 2017:

". . . Soon the US English camp team arrived – a wonderful group of believers from several different states, united by a strong desire to help Czechs learn English and give them an opportunity to hear the Gospel. This year’s camp was our largest to date with about 180 in attendance. There were new and old faces there, some believers and many unbelievers who had never been to an English camp before. Every evening, Roger Wagner gave an evangelistic message. Since this year’s theme was “sea voyage”, he based his messages on the Apostle Paul’s travels, described in the Book of Acts. At the same time, the teens and children had a program of their own where they heard the Gospel. During the English lessons each morning, the campers also had an opportunity to read passages of Scripture and discuss them. Several campers indicated that they plan to continue reading the Bible and some would like to attend a Bible study that our church will offer this fall. One man said that before hearing Roger’s lectures, he thought of the Bible as a fairy tale, but now he realizes that it is a book of facts and history. One woman told us that the doors of her heart had been opened during the week. As the school year begins, please pray that God will continue to use the Word that was sown and give people a hunger to hear more at our church’s Sunday services and Bible studies."

Team Praha 2017:

" . . . Immediately following the English camp, Team Praha arrived – twelve energetic and very musical, young Christians from Arizona, California and Washington. Their first task was to provide a children’s program at our Entrust Biblical Counseling Conference held in the Šumava Mountains while George and Eileen Scipione taught the adults. Interest was strong and over 220 people attended the conference, which consisted of 26 hours of instruction on how to counsel people who are disappointed -- with God, people, life circumstances, themselves and/or the Church. The Czech attendees expressed overwhelming appreciation for the sound, Biblical teaching that the Scipiones provided, the fellowship, and the program for their children. They were not disappointed! :)"After the conference, we set off with Team Praha to the White Carpathian Mountains for a hiking trip with Czech youth. For five days, we traversed this mountain range, looking at outstanding nature, but also talking about the claims of Christ. Several of the Czech girls mentioned that they had never experienced anything like this and were especially impressed by how caring the team was. This fall, we hope to gather the youth each Saturday evening and build on what they heard this summer. Please pray that they will want to hear more and that they will grow in their faith in Christ."During the week following the hiking trip, we sponsored a vacation Bible school in Prague where our church meets. About thirty-five children attended, many from non-Christian homes, and Team Praha did a fine job, teaching and having fun with them. Twelve Czech teenagers, mostly VBS alumni, helped with translation and many other aspects of the program. After each day’s events, we had some outreach activities for them and other youth – a movie night, an ultimate Frisbee match, and a “coffee house”. These were also great opportunities to hear testimonies and talk about how God saves and changes lives. We ended a very full week with a presentation by the children for their families, and a short, evangelistic message. Please pray for these children and teens and their families, especially that they will realize their need for Christ and come to hear the Word of God."


Jerry and Marilyn FarnikPod Kamínkou 98715600 Praha 516 Czech RepublicEmail: jmfarnik@gmail.com 


Renewed Focus on the Work at Hand


God Gave the Courage