TEAM HAITI 2018by Lisa Hodil, Lake Sherwood OPC, Orlando, FL (August 2018)Haiti was an amazing experience. The witness of the Hopps for Christ and the work they are doing in Haiti blew me away. And each and every one of the team members contributed something special to the team and the work of VBS that we did at the three churches in Haiti. I think the thing that stuck with me the most was how everyone threw themselves into service for those 10 days, not just when we were teaching and doing crafts and games with the kids, but also when we went back to the guest house or the Hopp's house. It was 10 days full of hearing stories and learning things from the Hopps, both Mr. and Mrs. Hopp and Ethan, Elijah, Emma, and Esther, who set such an example to me of following Christ's call and patiently accepting whatever might get thrown their way. The team was so kind and supportive and even during the rough moments (like when the mule broke down halfway down the mountain) everyone pitched in to help and encourage one another. And as for the VBS we taught, it was both fun and challenging. I loved hearing the kids remember the catechisms and playing "bet, bet, bourik" (I'm probably spelling that wrong) which is their "Duck, Duck, Goose." I know that God did a good work through the team this past summer and is continuing to do so through the ministry of the Hopps and the churches in Haiti. And I'm so blessed to have been a part of that work. 

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Everyone Served Willingly and Joyfully


He is There to Help, Comfort, and Shield