Uganda 2019: Roof Replacement Project

by Rev. David Robbins, OP Missionary to Uganda (March/April 2019)  Mark Van Essendelft, missionary deacon with the OP Uganda Mission, coordinated a big roof replacement project in Karamoja in February 2019.Raun Treible of Lake Sherwood OPC (Orlando, FL) and Joshua Marcoux of Shiloh OPC (Raleigh, NC) came from the USA to help with the project.

OP missionary to Uganda, David Robbins, reported:

The roof is done! We are really amazed by the wonderful work of the brothers (Raun and Joshua) who came from the States, led by Mark Van Essendelft and joined by his sons and several other young men, all of whom worked tirelessly in the sun for more than two weeks. We had the first good rain tonight - no leaks from what we could see! Praise the Lord!!

Reported in the April 2019 Van Essendelft Newsletter:

We enjoyed having Joshua Marcoux with us. He came from Raleigh, NC, to help with the roof job. He liked it so much that he decided to stay for an extra month!  His maturity, faith, and helpfulness has been such a blessing to the mission and to our family!

Photo Gallery:

Raun (left), Joshua (right, gray shirt), Mark Van E. (bottom)


Uruguay 2019: Summer English Club (in February!)


Churches Helping Churches 2019: Wisconsin Volunteers Install Key West Flooring