Uganda 2019: Reformation Book Room Project

by Rev. Charles Jackson, OP Missionary to Mbale, Uganda (May 2019)

Recently, the Reformation Book Room had some very helpful and busy visitors. Joe and Jan Tobias (Covenant OPC, Dayton, OH) came to visit the book room and organized all our books.

They cataloged almost two thousand books. They created a library system, and Connie and I spent all week with them—entering each book, searching for the Library of Congress number, printing catalog numbers, pasting the numbers on each book, and reorganizing them on the shelves. Now anytime someone asks for a book, we can simply look in our new system and find it on the shelf.

The Tobiases spent so much time in the book room that their children thought they had been taken hostage in Africa. We did finally let them leave to enjoy a few days in Uganda but only after all the books were entered! They worked so hard that they gave each other temporary tattoos with the Reformation Book Room logo stamp. Their efforts are such a great blessing to our work here in Uganda.

Following their visit, the Reformation Book Room had its second annual Easter concert with live music, a gospel presentation, and the giving away of more than ten Bibles. It is becoming a common coffee stop for safari companies on their way to Mt. Elgon. We praise God for this great work! Please pray with us that many will hear the gospel through their visits and come to Christ.

Note: This text is from the May 3, 2019, issue of Telenews

 The OP Uganda Mission welcomes short-term visitors and missionary associates:


Haiti 2019: Haiti "Minute Men" Update


Video: OP Uganda Mission