Boardwalk Chapel 2019: A "Don't Miss" Opportunity

by Rev. and Mrs. Markus Jeromin, House Parents, Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ (July 2019) 

"The Lord is blessing the relationships at the Boardwalk Chapel's Dunn House, the staff dorm where Sharon and I are serving as House Parents for the summer. What a delightful and hard-working staff of 15 young folks, ages 17 to 28, who have assembled from as far away as California and Maine to be in Wildwood to evangelize vacationers, summer workers, and others, while also working with youth groups ("Ministry Teams") that come to serve for a week at a time.

"There is space in the Dunn House if any prospective summer staffer would like to visit and get a taste of this truly wonderful ministry! 

"The Boardwalk Chapel is truly a "don't miss" opportunity for anyone wanting to sharpen their faith and strengthen their evangelism."


Menominee Missions 2019: Photos and Testimonials


Czech English Camp 2019: Photo Gallery