English for Kids 2019: Week Three in Quebec City

by Rev. Ben Westerveld, Missionary to Quebec, Pastor, St-Marc's Reformed Church, Quebec City, Quebec 

E4K Week 3 Team from Jubilee Korean American Presbyterian Church (West Norriton, PA)


From the "Pray for Quebec" Newsletter (July 12, 2019):

  Already the 3rd and Final Week!We are already at the last day of our third and final week of English for Kids. Thank you for praying for this outreach ministry in Quebec City!For a third year, Jubilee Presbyterian Church, a Korean American congregation north of Philadelphia, has sent a team of young people led by youth pastor Myung Ko. Special note should also be made of Ellen Boll and Miriam Sterrett, members of two OPC congregations, who have served this mission all three weeks!I've spent some more time at the camp this week, in part because of disciplinary issues. (The kids take more liberties as they get used to the camp.) While some conflicts were difficult to resolve, I am thankful for some insightful discussions with kids. One boy shared how he started believing in God at 9 years of age because God answered his prayer to win a video game. "And if God did not help you win?" I asked. "Well, he must be busy with someone else," was his conclusion. I shared how I believed in God because the message of the Bible is true, even if I do not see him answering my prayers. Lord willing, this thought will grab his attention as he reflects on the claims of the Gospel.While the English component this week explores the safari, the Bible theme dwells on God's goodness. The kids chant, "God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good." Please pray for the message I will deliver to the parents this evening during the kids' presentation. Many question the goodness of God because of evil and suffering. I want to challenge them to "test and see" that God is good, even in the hard moments of life, as he makes us more Christ-like.Translators Serving the MissionIn order to operate our summer camps, we need a few translators to help the younger kids understand the English instruction and to ensure safety (as well as discipline).  Several members of the St-Marc congregation have helped translate, particularly teenagers. It is wonderful to have them involved in this outreach ministry.Over the years, former campers have returned to help with translation. Too old to enroll in English for Kids, these teenagers enjoy the camps enough to return as volunteers. While some of these translators have come from Christian homes, most have not. What a wonderful occasion for them to spend time with the Christian missionary team and to translate the Bible lessons into French. Knowledge of the truth comes from repetition.Pray that the Word of God frequently sown in their hearts will take root and produce the fruit of saving faith!


Ministry Team 2019: Pure Joy and Excitement


Ministry Teams 2019: Team Photos