Boardwalk Chapel 2019: Family Fun and Service on the Jersey Shore

by Markus and Sharon Jeromin, House Parents, Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ

The Jeromin Family in Wildwood, NJ

Excerpt from the August 2019 edition of the Jeromin Prayer Letter

Dearest praying friends,

This newsletter finds us in Wildwood, New Jersey. The Lord opened the door for us to minister here at the Boardwalk Chapel as House Parents this summer.

Long before we met and married, Markus served here over three different summers and really loved it. Now we’ve had the opportunity as a whole family to experience the fun, and how wonderful it’s been! Imagine a whole summer of church camp and living with a bunch of young people who love the Lord and love to serve Him, all rolled into one. This has been a beautiful time of making new friends and reconnecting with old ones.

Here in the “Dunn House”—the staff dorm—our children immediately found themselves lovingly adopted by 13 “older siblings,” aged 17 through 26. Their crash course in North American culture was perfectly timed after close to 3 and 1/2 years in Uruguay. The kids have also been able to attend horse and soccer camps, and Susie has joined the staff on the Chapel stage a few times to help perform a skit.

Being house parents means trying to keep the household running smoothly and offering spiritual, emotional, and physical support. Markus also helps out with evening Chapel services and has had opportunities to preach both in the Chapel programs and in various area congregations. He even got to lead worship a couple of Sundays at the Coast Guard training complex while the chaplain, a minister in the PCA, was on vacation.

Over the years, this summer program of training, evangelism, and discipleship has only gotten better. It is open to people aged 17 and up, and we would most heartily recommend it. It will help anyone go into the rest of their life better equipped and motivated for the work of evangelism, a work all of us are called to as Christ’s disciples.

Thank you so much for continuing to pray for and support us! We have been so blessed by our time in Uruguay and by our time serving alongside the young people here at the Boardwalk Chapel who are on the front lines of spiritual warfare.  


In Memoriam: David E. Haney


Boardwalk Chapel 2019: Staff Photo Gallery