Czech Republic 2019: English Camp and Team Praha Report from the Farniks

by Marilyn and Jerry Farnik, Missionaries to the Czech Republic (September 2019)

Excerpt from the Farnik Prayer Letter September 2019

English Camp (July 13-20)Preparations went smoothly for our English camp. Most of our equipment, including our copier, kept working in spite of a huge shelf falling off the wall on top of it! A heat wave took its toll! The English Camp team arrived safely. Almost everyone’s health stayed strong and the team did a great job! We are very grateful for their willingness to serve here. It was encouraging to see good attendance at the evening meetings during the English camp and openness during the Bible studies each morning. Since then, several of the campers have visited our church. One man has been coming quite regularly to our Sunday services. Someone close to him has cancer and God has used this and His Word to show him the importance of God in his life. Please pray for his salvation, as well that of his friends. Pray that we can keep in contact with many of the campers, and that as they start out the school year, they will make time for God and His Word.The Entrust Biblical Counseling Conference (July 24-27)Team Praha arrived on July 23 to serve with us at the Entrust Biblical counseling conference. Interest was strong and when the hotel filled up, other families found housing in the area so they could also attend. George Scipione gave 25 lectures on how to present the Gospel in counseling unbelievers and the importance of the church in helping people grow in faith and see real change in their lives. Eileen Scipione taught two seminars for the women. People from at least 10 church denominations were in attendance (including almost all the members from our church) and they seemed very encouraged by both the teaching and the fellowship. The parents were especially grateful to Team Praha for providing an amazing program their children on what faith in Christ is.The Mountain Hiking Trip for Czech Youth (July 29 – August 2)The following week, we went with Team Praha and 16 Czech young people on a hiking trip to Czech Switzerland. Some new youth participated in the trip and we were able to renew contact with others that we have known for a while. There were many good conversations on the trails each day and after the evening programs. Toward the end of the week, some of the Czech youth started asking a lot of questions and this led to more discussion. The following week, we had a few more occasions to get together -- for a movie night, a sports evening and a coffee house where the Gospel was presented and some of the team members spoke about their relationship with God. Please pray that the Czech youth will continue to examine Christianity and see how much they need Christ. Pray that they will come to our church where they can hear the Word of God and that God will also use the team as they keep in contact with them.The Vacation Bible School in Prague (August 5-9)More children than we expected came to vacation Bible school in Prague. Team Praha again served well throughout this week, filled with Bible stories, singing, learning Bible verses, crafts and sports! Many parents came to the closing program where they also heard the Gospel. Now we are praying for more contact with these families. We have invited them to come to our church and soon we will be giving out invitations for our weekly children’s Bible club, which begins later this month. Please pray that many children will want to come and that their parents would allow them to participate.     


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