Boardwalk Chapel 2019: Praise the Lord for Another Summer!

by Elizabeth Horst, Administrative Assistant, Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ (September 13, 2019)It is the Boardwalk Chapel's last official weekend of the summer as we wrap up with Fri-Sat night concerts and continue the process of collecting feedback, thinking and praying over the summer's events, and planning for Summer 2020! If you're in the area, please feel free to come out and join us Fri night at 8PM and Sat night at 8PM for our last concerts, in addition to enjoying some events during the daytime on the boardwalk over the Firefighter Convention Weekend!In thinking briefly over the past summer, I would like to extend a warm "thank you!" to everyone who prayed for us, supported us financially, gave generous gifts, and came for a visit. This is truly a ministry in which the Lord works through His whole church, bringing brothers and sisters together from near and far to make an impact on the hearts and minds of the lost in order to build up the Kingdom of Heaven.Two things to share with all of you: One, if you visited the Chapel at all this summer and I neglected to email our short survey for guests and volunteers to you, please feel free to fill it out at the Link Here. (And for everyone who prays and supports the Chapel, if you have thoughts or ideas, please pass them along at anytime.) Two, here is something that you may have seen on Facebook if you maintain an online presence -- the Boardwalk Chapel now has a very nice and professionally done promo video! Check it out on Youtube, and feel free to pass on to friends and family. Many thanks to Kyle for producing it!I'm sure a common misconception about the Chapel ministry is that once the programs are over, the staff head back home or to school, and things settle down in Wildwood, that everyone can take a deep breath and obtain some much needed rest until the following May. Please let me assure you that this is not true! The months of September through April are often very full of planning and negotiations, for which we require much wisdom and leading from the Lord. Here are a few things to bring before the Lord:

  • Please pray for the Committee as they meet this Saturday to set up a budget for 2020

  • Please pray that Pastor Jim would obtain some much-needed rest

  • Please pray that the Lord would give me wisdom and strength as I gather feedback, work on the schedule, and revise materials for next summer, while balancing the other responsibilities and opportunities currently in my life.

  • Please pray for everyone that served at the Chapel this year, that the Lord would bless them in their work and/or studies and keep His zeal for evangelism fresh and powerful in their lives

  • Please pray for the churches, trainers, staff, musicians, and volunteers who the Lord is calling to serve at the Chapel next year

  • Also please keep in mind the many people who came to the Chapel this year, that the gospel seeds that were planted would grow into faithful fruitfulness and that the cares of the world, the lies of the devil, and the troubles of life would not take over!

Thank you again for joining forces with us in Summer 2019 to do the Lord's work in Wildwood. May the Lord be with all of you as you serve Him wherever you currently are, that you would work unto Him and not lose heart, knowing that your labors are not in vain as you keep your eyes fixed on the prize of Jesus Christ our Lord. And, most of all, may our great and powerful God be honored, praised, revered, and glorified in our lives, in His church, and in the whole world now and forever more, Amen! Lord Jesus, come quickly. Amen.


Visit the Boardwalk Chapel section of the Boardwalk Chapel's page on Facebook.    


S.T.O.R.M. Reports: September 2019


Ministry Team 2019: Walk-Up Evangelism