English for Kids 2019: See You There!

by Terra La Belle, Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod (OPC), West Barnstable, MA (September 2019)

Terra was a member of the team from the Presbytery of New York and New England that led the English for Kids Bible Camp in St-Georges-de-Beauce, Quebec, June 29 - July 6, 2019.

 I can’t say enough what an amazing experience it is to be a part of the E4K Quebec missions trip.We work together as a team planning the Bible lessons, practicing the skits, organizing food for the staff, and much more. Most of all, you get to pray for each and every one of the children in your class.It is our aim by the end of the week to immerse these kids in God’s Word through every aspect of the camp: songs, Bible lessons, crafts, and outdoor activities. We plant the seed, and the Holy Spirit works in their heart!I think the most amazing part about the missions trip is watching the children throughout the week become more and more open and willing to learn about God. A few kids in particular were very quiet and nervous for the first few days, but by the end of the week they were the ones up on the stage singing our Bible songs as loud as they could!!Overall it is a really special time, and I am very thankful that I have been able to be a part of English for Kids camp three years now. Lord willing, I will see you there!


Japan 2019: More Thankful Feedback on RP Missions Team


S.T.O.R.M. Reports: September 2019