The Boardwalk Chapel Band Tour 2020

January 2020The Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ, provides great opportunities for summer short-term missions!

  • Individuals serve as Staff through the summer on the evangelism, music, drama, AV, or domestic teams. The staff work and live together in Chapel housing.
  • Church groups serve as Ministry Teams for a week at a time, receiving training and experience in evangelism, and participating in music and drama.

Seth Jernigan and Emily Learn, the organizers of The Boardwalk Chapel Band Tour, comment on their recently completed tour:

 "The Boardwalk Chapel Band Tour was such an amazing experience, as we were able to see it grow from just an idea into a seven-concert tour. It was a blessing to see God work in it and through it. We loved being able to use our gifts with the family that we made this past summer at the Boardwalk Chapel. We were able to go to so many churches who know and love the Boardwalk Chapel and share about the ministry. We were told over and over again how the audience felt blessed by the concerts and their faith was strengthened through the music. We learned a lot of planning, organization, and how to put on concerts outside of the Boardwalk Chapel Programs. Lord willing, we will be able to do this again next year with improvements, new churches, and an even longer tour!" Visit the Band's Facebook page to learn more!

Thank you,The Boardwalk Chapel 

Coronavirus and OPC Short-Term Missions 2020


Uganda 2019: Photo Gallery