STM Outreach on Indian Reservations in Wisconsin

by Pastor Karl E. Thompson, Menominee OPC, Zoar, Wisconsin (August 2014)

Zoar 2014 outreach Venture Mission - photo from Karl Thompson"Venture Missions-Zoar" is a short-term summer ministry that takes place on the Menominee and Stockbridge Indian Reservations in Wisconsin.  It is sponsored by the two OP churches located on these reservations:  Menominee OPC (Zoar, WI) and Old Stockbridge OPC (Gresham, WI).  This year, we had 23 team members from every corner of the Presbytery of the Midwest and a few from the Presbytery of Michigan and Ontario.


The process started with some intense training of the team members, covering topics like “Ministry to Children,” “Cross Cultural Ministry,” and “Effective Ministry to the Poor.”  We also did a brief lesson entitled “Canvasing 101.”


We held a pair of two-day vacation Bible schools, one on each reservation.  Having started by going door to door to pass out invitations, we then played games and colored with the kids.  Each day before lunch, the team preformed a skit with a gospel point and a lesson that points the children toward Christ.  The team then played with the children for a few hours, and during that time reinforced the gospel story in their conversations.  It was my great privilege to walk about and hear many conversations about the gospel as the team and the children played.  We had nearly 40 children show up each day on the Stockbridge Reservation and twice that amount on the Menominee Reservation.We also spent a day helping a local church plant, Covenant Live Presbyterian Church (OPC) of Shawano, Wisconsin, invite people to worship.  As a team we went to hundreds of houses, and helped the church reach its goal of going to every household in the town.

Fellowship and Fun:

One of the goals of the week is to provide fun and fellowship for the young people who make up the team.  This mostly happens as we learn and work together, but the team also had great fun tubing down the river near Pastor Thompson’s house, swimming in the pond near the church, and driving go-carts in town.  Many solid friendships were formed. 


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