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News, Reports, & Testimonials

Churches Helping Churches: Church Plant Receives Volunteers from Around the Country

Churches Helping Churches: Church Plant Receives Volunteers from Around the Country

An OPC church plant in New Hampshire put out a call for help with building refurbishment and received volunteers from California, Ohio, Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts...

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Sowing the Seeds of the Gospel

Sowing the Seeds of the Gospel

Team Praha impacts you but it also impacts those around you. When you see people thinking deeply about Scripture, questioning it, searching it, you know they are close to the kingdom. It made us all rejoice to know that seeds might fall on good soil . . .

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I Was There To Serve Him

I Was There To Serve Him

Every day leading up to and during English Camp, my mind and heart were consumed with how to serve the Lord or I was reminded that I was there to serve Him. Instead of thinking about where I would eat and what sights I would see, I was thankful for health and God’s provision as fuel to serve Him everyday . . .

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