DSC03028 (1)David Nakhla, far right, at Ukraine English CampThis summer, OPC Short-Term Missions Coordinator David Nakhla traveled to Ukraine with a team organized by Bethel OPC (Wheaton, Illinois) to participate in the popular "Leopolis Green English Camp" in the Carpathian Mountains outside L'viv, Ukraine.  OPC missionaries Heero and Anya Hacquebord are on the camp staff, and Heero served as the camp's first director back in 2008.Described at the camp's website as "the BEST English Camp in Ukraine," the camp offers L'viv students 17 years and older the opportunity to practice speaking English with native English speakers.  There is 1 American teacher for every 3 Ukrainian students, so the students get lots of practice speaking English!The camp's website goes on to say: "You will enjoy a week in the beautiful Carpathians plus many helpful and fun activities: English classes, English Bible discussions, games, American sports and culture classes, hobby classes, crafts, evening discussions, music, great food, dancing, parties and a whole lot more."OP churches represented on the Ukraine English Camp team in 2014:

  • Bethel OPC (Wheaton, Illinois)
  • First Presbyterian Church Northshore (OPC) (Ipswich, Massachusetts)
  • Calvary OPC (Glenside, Pennsylvania)

The camp's website has lots of great photos of this year's activities, many of which are posted below!DSC_3721IMG_0675DSC_3803DSC_4005DSC_3975Ukraine LazarusUkraine game 3DSC02428DSC03337IMG_1874DSC02471DSC_3801IMGP1538DSC02976 (1)Ukraine small group 2Ukraine guys with David CROPPEDUkraine large group CROPPED


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