This 9-minute video features clips from interviews with five members of Team Haiti 2014!  We hope that the personal reflections of these short-term missionaries will be helpful to anyone considering short-term service in the OPC. photos are posted in our Team Haiti Photo Gallery!Thanks to ...

  • Seth Davies, Brenna Hunter, Thomas Jennings, Rosie Perkins, and Lanie Price for sharing their short-term missions experiences.
  • Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California for organizing and sending the team and sharing their videos with us.
  • Team Leader Rev. Peter Sim (Theophilus OPC, Anaheim, CA) for sharing his photos with us.
  • Mr. Bob Reith (Elder, Grace OPC, Fair Lawn, NJ) for producing this Testimonial Video for us.

The ABCs of Short-Term Missions


Trust Him Who Began the Work