Team Uganda 2015: Report from the Field

by Rev. Al Tricarico, OP Missionary to Uganda (July 2015)Uganda - people in field - from

Notes from Nakaale (No. 102, July 3, 2015)E-newsletter of the Tricarico Family

(Note: Team Uganda is on the field from June 22 - July 23, 2015)"Team Uganda" from the Presbytery of Southern California arrived last week. Their mission is to work with us in introducing the newly-translated Children’s Catechism to local schools. Our first week-long effort concluded today and it went very well. For two hours a day up to fourteen people [including missionaries and translators] taught lessons, performed skits, sang songs, and played games with primary school students in the village of Naturum [Nah-too-ROOM].The teaching focus was eight questions and answers on the offices of Christ—our prophet, priest, and king. The team received a very affirming and appreciative letter from one of the teachers on the last day.  Their ministry of teaching the Catechism, as well as other Biblical material, will be brought to four more schools and two Karamoja Education Outreach (KEO) venues during the next two weeks.Yesterday Dave Okken and I, along with "Team Uganda" Leader Rev. Peter Sim from Anaheim, CA, taught on the offices of Christ to about one hundred people at a pastors’ conference in the town of Namalu. We were received enthusiastically as were the lessons we delivered. Eleven congregations were represented, and many [not all] who attended were church leaders.Altogether, approximately three hundred copies of the Catechism were distributed.

For prayer:

  • Give thanks with us for the team and other visitors currently present with us
  • Pray for lasting effect of the lessons in the schools
  • Pray for those who attended the pastors’ conference and the ongoing use of the Catechism in their churches

Further Information:

Contact Al Tricarico at to be added to the email list to receive "Notes from Naakale."Visit the OP Uganda Mission's website at to learn more about the work of our missionaries in Uganda.


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