Churches Helping Churches: Church Refurbishment Project in Mormon Country

by Courtney Habegger, Faith OPC, Long Beach, CaliforniaMagna church 4June 22-29, 2015, a work team from Faith OPC in Long Beach, California, traveled to Magna, Utah, to answer the call of Christ Presbyterian Church (OPC) for help with ongoing renovations to their church building.  Team Leader Courtney Habegger provided the following report on their trip.The trip to our sister congregation in Magna, Utah, was a success. Our team helped to finish out the entry way into the fellowship hall and the breezeway between the fellowship hall and the sanctuary. We did some framing and electrical work, but mostly drywall finishing and a lot of painting. We also accomplished a good deal of work in the hallways, as well as a few other small projects. Our home congregation at Long Beach, CA, raised some financial support which we used for materials at the Magna church.There is still plenty of work left for future teams! We are considering another trip to Magna, perhaps this fall.We found the Magna congregation to be gracious hosts, despite a small congregation size. We worked for 5 days and worshiped with them on Sunday.Pastor Jason Wallace gave us an excellent tour of the Mormon's Temple Square in nearby Salt Lake City and a thorough lesson on Mormon church history. We found the tour to be informative and fun, though it was sad to see how many have gone astray.Our team was honored to be able to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by helping Christ Presbyterian Church in Utah. This congregation and its pastor are truly a light in a very dark corner of our country. Please keep them in your prayers, that God might draw more people to Himself in Utah and grow His church there.

Team Utah:

Magna church 7 


Magna church 5


Magna church 6


A Wonderful Week of Fellowship and Service


Team Uganda 2015: Report from the Field