Churches Helping Churches: Team Utah 2016 Photo Gallery

Members of Team Utah sightseeing in UtahTeams from two OP churches in Michigan and California came together in Magna, Utah, this summer to form "Team Utah!"  Christ Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Magna, where Pastor Jason Wallace has a very effective outreach to Mormons, was looking for help with various indoor and outdoor refurbishment projects, and Team Utah responded to the call!Team members from Cedar OPC (Hudsonville, MI) were led by Pastor Steve Igo, and those from Faith OPC (Long Beach, CA), were led by Courtney Habeggar.Pastor Igo provided us with the following updates along the way:

Team Utah Heads Out!

"Twelve teens and adults from Cedar OPC in Hudsonville left this morning for a two day journey to Magna, Utah, to assist Pastor Jason Wallace and Christ Presbyterian Church on some building projects next week. We will spend the night in Kearney, Nebraska, and then hope to arrive in Salt Lake City on Saturday evening. Please keep us in your prayers!"

Plenty To Do in Utah!

"Team Utah enjoyed a wonderful time at Christ Presbyterian Church in worship, a Sunday School class on Mormonism, and a fine fellowship meal. Followed by a fascinating tour of the Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City.  Tomorrow our work begins!  Dry-walling three Sunday School rooms and the pastor's office! Please keep us in your prayers."

Pastor Jason Wallace!

"A special thank-you to our friend and evangelist Pastor Jason Wallce for helping us understand Mormonism better!"

Hard Workers!

"Team Utah loves church work! This week, we are painting, drywalling and landscaping at Christ Presbyterian Church in Magna, UT. These teens are remarkable in their hard work, perseverance and cheerful spirit. We thank God for our covenant youth and adult chaperones."

The Beauty of Utah!

"Utah beauty is everywhere this week on our mission trip. Our team has visited Big Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake City and the 'Y Mountain' overlooking Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.  'The heavens declare the glory of God....'"

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Pilgrim's Progress