Overview - Team Praha


  • The Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California sends out a short-term mission team each summer called "Team Praha."
  • Team members are mainly drawn from the Presbytery of Southern California where the team is organized and trained, but men and women over 16 years of age from other presbyteries are welcome to apply, and have been accepted to join the team in the past!
  • This trip does not occur every third year, when missionaries Jerry and Marilyn Farnik are on furlough.
  • Team Praha works with OP missionaries Marilyn and Jerry Farnik and their family, who serve as guides and translators while the team serves as their hands, feet, and mouthpieces for gospel outreach.
  • The team is accompanied by a Pastor/Team Leader who helps prepare the team and keep them focused on their work.

Team Praha's Ministry:Week 1: The team runs a Vacation Bible School for the children of adults attending a Christian counseling conference taught by Rev. George Scipione.Week 2: The team participates in a Czech Mountain Adventure focusing on friendship evangelism and discipleship with Czech teens and young adults (Christian and non-Christian) as part of a road trip/hiking trip in the mountains of the Czech Republic. The goal is to form relationships that allow team members to bear witness in word and deed to the creating and saving work of Jesus Christ. This is a rigorous adventure.Week 3: The team runs a Vacation Bible School  for neighborhood children in Prague, where the Farniks are planting a church.  There are also Evening Youth Events for further outreach to Czech teens and young adults.Team Praha’s work is punctuated by three Sundays of rest and worship at the Farniks' church plant in Modrany.Qualifications for Team Membership:

  • Communicant member of your church
  • Faithful service in your home church (pastoral reference required)
  • Minimum age is 16
  • Desire to share your faith in Christ
  • Various talents: teaching, music, sports, arts and crafts, and/or skits
  • Ability to organize and participate in VBS-style activities
  • Good physical condition
  • Friendly cooperation with teammates
  • A balanced co-ed team is sought
  • Willingness to submit to the team leadership and to Pastor and Mrs. Farnik


  • There is a team registration fee (in 2019, it was $800 per person).
  • Each member is also responsible for purchasing his or her own airline ticket (in 2019, it was estimated at $1,400).
  • As part of the application process, it is important for each applicant to contact his or her pastor or session to ask if their church will participate with the applicant's family in providing financial support.

Photos and Testimonials:Click here to find photos and testimonials from previous members of Team Praha. 


Overview - Team Haiti


A Great Time of Learning and Fellowship