Overview - Team Haiti

The Youth Committee of the Presbytery of Southern California sends out a short-term mission team each summer called "Team Haiti."

  • Team members are mainly drawn from the Presbytery of Southern California where the teams are organized and trained, but men and women over 18 years of age from other presbyteries are welcome to apply, and have been accepted to join the team in the past!
  • Team Haiti works alongside OPC missionaries Ben and Heather Hopp and their four children, who have been serving in Haiti since 2007.
  • The trip does not occur when missionaries Ben Hopp and his family are on furlough.
  • The team flies into the capital city of Port-au-Prince and the following day travels to the island of La Gonave off the coast of Haiti and sets up base at the OPC's Guest House there.
  • The team is accompanied by a Pastor/Team Leader who helps prepare the team and keep them focused on their work.

Team Haiti's Ministry:

  • Team Haiti conducts mini VBS programs at three churches.
  • The teaching program is based on Reformed catechetical instruction and is presented in the Creole language with the assistance of local translators.
  • Rev. Hopp believes that the spread of the gospel in Haiti will be more effective if it is taught to the rising generation, thus the prayer of Team Haiti is that their work will be vital to the ministry of our missionaries in Haiti.
  • The team also has the opportunity to assist in various work projects.

Qualifications for Team Membership:

  • Communicant church membership
  • Minimum age is 18
  • Recommendation from pastor or elder
  • Assets include teaching and musical gifts, a desire to share your faith in Christ, and an ability to organize and participate in sports, games and crafts
  • Friendly cooperation with others and submission to team leadership
  • Good health is important as this trip involves rugged, dusty travel


  • In 2019, the cost was $1,650.00, plus airfare to and from Ft. Lauderdale (from where the team flies together to and from Haiti).

Photos and Testimonials:Click here to find photos and testimonials from previous members of Team Haiti.Contact:David ThibaultPresbytery of Southern Caiforniadavidthibault@sbcglobal.net


The Power of God's Gospel


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