The Power of God's Gospel

by Amelia Bolyard, Reformation OPC, Morgantown, West Virginia (July 2017)[Amelia served on Team Haiti and traveled to Haiti, June 24 - July 6, 2017. to work with OP Missionary Ben Hopp and his family as they presented mini-VBS at the churches on the island of La Gonave]God used Team Haiti 2017 to grow my vision of his global kingdom in a big way! From being inspired by the Hopp family's fruitful work to enjoying precious fellowship with my teammates, I will always treasure those experiences. Although the impoverishment in Haiti is very grievous, the power of God's gospel is even greater! Furthermore, the joy of the Haitian kids was inspirational--the look of excitement in their eyes kept us energized throughout our entire efforts overseas. I returned to the United States with a restored burden to evangelize the lost and make disciples. Overall, the Lord ignited a passion in my heart for the worship of his name among all peoples!!


Three Weeks of English for Kids


Overview - Team Haiti