2018 Team Haiti: Photos and Reports from the Field

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The theme of the VBS programs that Team Haiti presented in Haiti this year was The Ten Commandments.

This year's Team Haiti:

  • Valerie Arcos - Bonita OPC, Bonita CA
  • Katie Batten - Living Hope OPC, Allentown, PA
  • Lisa Hodil - Lake Sherwood OPC, Orlando, FL
  • Team Leader Rev. Charlie Perkins - Pastor, Prescott OPC, Prescott, AZ
  • Team Leader Rose Perkins - Prescott OPC, Prescott, AZ
  • Lanie Price - Calvin OPC, Phoenix, AZ
  • Sarah Schwingdorf - Tyler OPC, Tyler, TX
  • Micah Sterrett - Franklin Square OPC, Franklin Square, NY
  • Matthew Wood - Grace OPC, Costa Mesa, CA

Team Haiti Day 1: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

Our first day of Vacation Bible School began today about 20 minutes north of the Hopp's home at a church near Montrouis. The truck ride up the coast was followed by a 10 minute hike up the mountain to the church. It overlooks the Gulf of Gonâve and is a beautiful spot. The team taught over 100 kids with lessons on the 10 Commandments. Everyone enjoyed the lessons, singing, games and snacks. After returning home for lunch, the team got busy doing some cleaning tasks around the Kaliko Mission Home. Our evenings include food, singing, prayer and fellowship around the table.

Team Haiti Day 2: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

The team made the trek up the mountain for the second and final day of Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Lanzac. The team is getting into the groove with their lessons and doing a great job interacting with the kids. Along with the Bible lessons they are surely here to love these children who come. There were a few less children than yesterday (about 80) which meant a group easier to control. A highlight for the church kids along with singing and games is the snack. Lots of bread and peanut butter gets consumed each day. Tomorrow Team Haiti and the Hopp family travel by boat to La Gonâve to prepare for VBS at Nan Mangot and Doglace. We are sad to say goodbye to Carlens and Farah Delfils who returned home today after our picnic at a local Haitian history museum.

Team Haiti Day 3: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

The team has safely arrived on the island of La Gonâve after an uneventful ferry ride yesterday. We praise God that everything came together smoothly for the crossing. After settling in at the guest house the team enjoyed a good sleep. The long prayed for rain arrived with plenty of thunder and lightning during the late evening hours.

Our first day at Nan Mangot began with a 1 1/2 hour ride by truck up the mountain. The roads definitely get worse every year but the team took it in stride. You might wonder what the older gentlemen [see Photo Gallery, below] is doing at Vacation Bible School (VBS). Doesn’t the team come to minister to young kids? They do but often we have parents and others in the community who come to watch. Obanier is an elderly gentlemen who regularly attends the Nan Mangot church. The truths of the Gospel never get old, and not only the kids need instruction in the basics. Thanks for praying for the team and for those they minister to, both young and old.

Team Haiti Day 4: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

Day 4 plus the Lord's Day - Our time with the team has been very eventful. Our days are full and we would not have it any other way. The team completed their final day at Nan Mangot yesterday. The kids returned for more instruction on the 10 Commandments along with snacks, games and singing. The smaller, more intimate setting of the Nan Mangot church lets the team hold babies and interact with the kids more closely. We are thankful for the love they show to each other and the kids at VBS.

The roughs roads do take their toll. Sore backs from the long ride and an overheated Kawasaki Mule on the trip back are the result of the 3 hours of driving. Praise the Lord our truck driver had a rope to be able to tow the Mule back to Anse-a-Galets. Running errands will be a little more difficult and the truck will be a bit more crowded, but we will make due.

Today was our day of rest and worship. The team had the opportunity to worship with the saints at Doglace. Pastor Charlie preached for us and we were able to sing Haitian Creole hymns along with the congregation. Everyone had a delightful time interacting with the kids and adults after the service. It was a special reunion for the Heather and the kids who have not been to Doglace in a while. The older ladies were overjoyed to hug Heather and see how the kids have grown. God is good! Thanks for praying as we prepare for two final days doing VBS at Doglace.

Team Haiti Day 6: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

Team Haiti 2018 has completed 6 days of Vacation Bible School programs. Our internet service is often poor on the island of La Gonâve and that has been true this trip as well. I will send a more detailed update from our time at Doglace tomorrow when we return to the mainland of Haiti. Everyone enjoyed their time with the kids at Doglace church!

Team Haiti Day 5 & 6: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

Greetings from the mainland of Haiti. The team arrived safely back at the Kaliko Mission yesterday after an early morning ferry ride. The final two days of Vacation Bible School at Doglace were attended by about 80 kids. Keep praying for these children that they might grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.

The work of Team Haiti is more than teaching. In the afternoons the team members finished painting the outside of the guest house. A total of 20 gallons of white paint got applied - mostly to the walls but some on clothing and in hair. We are thankful for their hard work in the hot sun!

Near the end of the trip we had souvenir vendors come to the La Gonâve guest house to set up. They bring paintings, jewelry, shells, and other crafts. The team gets a chance to test out their negotiating skills as they buy for friends and family.

Epilogue: As reported by Ben Hopp on Facebook

July 7: We are so thankful to hear everyone is home. It is easy to second guess yourself when making decisions about the security of a team - going - not going. We are so grateful that you were all able to get to Fort Lauderdale on Thursday. Yesterday during the Brazil-Belgium World Cup game, the Haitian government announced the long awaited fuel price increase. And it was huge--49%. Roadblocks went up everywhere almost immediately, with insecurity continuing today and no end in sight. Keep praying for Haiti. The Hopps are safe here at the compound in Kaliko.


Emma Hopp Photos:

Missionary Ben Hopp's 15 year old daughter, Emma, loves photography, and shared the excellent photos she took while Team Haiti was there:

[envira-gallery id="22352"]

Additional Team Haiti Photos:

[envira-gallery id="21837"]








2018 English for Kids: Photos and Reports from the Field (Quebec City)


2018 Boardwalk Chapel Ministry Teams: Photos and Testimonials