Churches Helping Churches: July Fourth Outreach in Kentwood, MI

JULY FOURTH 2018by Pastor Jerry Neumair, Meadow Springs OPC, Kentwood, Michigan (July 2018)

Another great example of "churches helping churches!" Pastor Neumair asked OPC Short-Term Missions to help him recruit volunteers for the big "STAR WARS"-themed outreach effort that his church undertook at the very popular annual July Fourth Carnival and Parade in Kentwood, Michigan!

While We Were Rebels, Christ Died for Us!

God blessed Meadow Springs OPC with a great July 4th morning parade and evening carnival info booth.Thousands of gospel tracts and church invites were distributed. Many were invited to a 7 week evangelistic study “Christianity Explored” starting July 8th and a “Picnic in the Park” on August 4th.Dozens of pocket New Testaments were given to interested carnival goers.Special thanks to volunteer workers from Cedar OPC (Jenison, Michigan) and New City Fellowship OPC (Grand Rapids, Michigan).

While plans were underway, Pastor Neumair reported: "The float we’re building will be used at Cedar OPC’s Memorial Day parade in Jenison, and then the name changed to Meadow Springs for the July 4th parade. This is Presbyterianism at some of its best!"



Meadow Springs OPC tract/invitation handed out at their booth at the carnival:


Churches Helping Churches:

If your church needs help with a particular project, please consider contacting OPC Short-Term Missions to request a team. You never know ..... there are likely some folks out there seeking an opportunity to serve!  Let us help you advertise the need and find volunteers to help you!


2018 Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ


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