2018 Uruguay English Club: Photos and Reports from the Field

URUGUAY ENGLISH CLUB 2018July 3-6, 2018, a team of eight was in Montevideo to help OPC missionaries Rev. Mark Richline and Rev. Ray Call, and missionary associate Rev. Markus Jeromin, conduct their annual "English Club" winter outreach program (it is winter there when it is summer here!). Each of the four days, they offered an afternoon class for middle-school aged kids and an evening class for teens and adults. Each day, there was a gospel presentation from the Scriptures and a call to trust in Christ during the break. All this is to be followed up with a free get-together at a trampoline park after a couple of weeks.From Holy Trinity PCA (Tampa, Florida):

  • Mr. Bill Brannan
  • Mrs. Kathryn Brannan
  • Mr. Carter Meyers
  • Mr. Smith Meyers

From Spring Hills PCA (Bynes Mill, MO):

  • Mrs. Mariah Cunningham
  • Miss Evan Griffin

From Little Farms Chapel OPC (Marne, MI):

  • Miss Micah Kok
  • Miss Cassie Stroven

English Club Report from OP Missionary Mark Richline:

What a tremendous week of ministry this has been for our mission! We praise the Lord for blessing our second annual English Club where more than forty children and adults practiced their English, listened to gospel messages, and personally interacted with our team. Several people from our weekly conversation class came, giving us opportunity to connect more personally with them. Other people came back the following Sunday for our worship service. We are especially grateful for our team consisting of three different teams from PCA and OPC churches. Please seek the Lord with us to prosper the planted seeds while we follow up with all our new contacts!

English Club Report from OP Missionary Associate Markus Jeromin:

In early June, God gave us a new building to rent 24/7 for the church plant. Our English Club outreach in July was our first big event in the new building. What a joy it was to work together with a team of four short-term helpers from Florida, two from Missouri, and two from Michigan, who greatly assisted and encouraged us. A total of 26 adults and nine kids (not counting any of our own) attended over the four days. Everyone, both North Americans and Uruguayans, enjoyed developing new friendships and learning not just languages but cultures. Each night, the adults got to hear a 10-minute evangelistic sermonette. Seeds were planted. A handful of the attendees are now regulars at our ongoing Wednesday night conversational English groups. Five among the 26 adults are professing believers, and three of these have visited a worship service since the event. The two other believers are talking about attending our men’s book study. Pray that the Lord would use many of these relationships to bring souls into His church.

Team Testimonials:

Photo Gallery:

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Churches Helping Churches: July Fourth Outreach in Kentwood, MI


2018 English for Kids: Photos and Reports from the Field (St-Georges)