English for Kids 2019: Week One in Quebec City

by Marcia Brauning, New Life OPC, Montoursville, PA (June 2019)

Team Leader Mrs. Marcia Brauning of New Life OPC (Montoursville, PA), reports here for the team that is leading Week One of "English for Kids Bible Camp" in Quebec City. The camp is an annual outreach of St-Marc's Reformed Church, where OP Missionary Ben Westerveld serves as Pastor.

Week One - English for Kids Bible Camp, Quebec City (2019)

Tuesday, June 25

Hello friends and pray-ers!

Thank you so much for praying for our team as we minister and serve at English for Kids Quebec City! We have had 2 days of camp and everything has gone relatively smoothly. 

Today we had 55 children present for wonderful times of English learning and gospel presentation.

Our theme this week is “All Aboard with Jonah” and the children are hearing the Bible read, reading it themselves and even singing gospel truths.

They are memorizing chunks of Psalm 96 as well.

All of this in a context of day camp with fun times of recreation, crafts, music class, and game time mixed in.

Our team consists of 19 individuals from Pennsylvania, Ontario, New York and Virginia. We are enjoying getting to know each other and serving Christ together here. 

It has rained all afternoon and evening today, but we were able to get the children’s park and playground time in before it started. We would appreciate prayers for clear skies as it helps everyone when we can be outside some of the day.  We do have very energetic children!

Thursday, June 27

Bonjour mes amis!

Thank you for your prayers for our E4K team and students!  We have been blessed with good weather during the day, for which we are very thankful. Twice this week, thunderstorms were forecast for our outdoor times, but God held the tempests until evening! 

It has been a good week, with much Scripture memorization, writing, reading, acting, games, recreation, and just pleasant conversations. There have also been some "challenging" students, but far fewer than in past years! This afternoon, we had the joy of having W., one of our past students, come and help translate for one of the classes. He has matured, and retains his knowledge of Scripture, but still does not believe.

Tomorrow (Friday) is our “BIG” day! We will have the students all the way up to Barbecue time when their families are hopefully going to join us for a meal, followed by class presentations and singing. Pastor Ben will also share the gospel will those in attendance. Between the Scripture recitations, Christian songs, and Ben’s message, the Word of God will be shared many times over.  Please pray for the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts!

Saturday most of the team will be traveling many hours home. We cherish your prayers for travel mercies.






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