Puerto Rico 2019: Outreach and Encouragement in Arroyo

by Rev. Jim Jordan, Associate Pastor, Church of the Covenant OPC, Hackettstown, NJ (June 2019)

Rev. Jim Jordan, Associate Pastor, Church of the Covenant OPC (Hackettstown, NJ) led a small team to Puerto Rico to encourage and fellowship with the congregation at the OPC church plant in Arroyo, and to help them with local outreach.

 Rev. Jim Jordan with teammates Emily Killmer (Jaffrey OPC, Jaffrey, NH) and Andrea Demby (Church of the Covenant OPC, Hackettstown, NJ). A fourth team member, Margaret Wallace (Hackettstown) had to leave early. 


We had a wonderful time worshiping with the brothers and sisters of Iglesia Presbiteriana Sola Escritura, the OPC church plant in Arroyo, Puerto Rico, on Sunday, June 23rd.

I preached a sermon on Soli Deo Gloria and Pastor Bradney led in the Lord's Supper. In the afternoon we had a wonderful bible study discussion on the topic of evangelism.

This week we are focused on outreach. We have been going to the post office, where there is a lot of foot traffic, in the mornings, and door to door in the afternoons to pass out flyers and invite people to the church. So far we've passed out a lot of flyers and some people have showed interest, but we are praying for more significant conversations with people. We're going to be trying different locations around town throughout the week and we hope to find somewhere where people are in less of a rush and hopefully can have deeper evangelistic conversations.

We are praying for the Lord to open up hearts and lead us to the people he is calling to himself. Thanks for your prayers.


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