English for Kids 2019: Reports and Photos from St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec

July 2019

Each year, the Presbytery of New York and New England sends Camp Director Olivia Durham and a team to lead the English for Kids Bible Camp in St-Georges-de-Beauce, Quebec. The camp is associated with those sponsored by St Marc's Reformed Church in Quebec City, where OP Missionary Ben Westerveld serves as Pastor.

DATES: June 29 - July 6, 2019THEME: The Wall of JerichoVERSE OF THE WEEK: Joshua 1:9 - Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. For the Lord God is with you wherever you go.English for Kids Bible Camp in St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec, July 1-5, 2019July 1: from Anne Marie Coloumbe

We are thankful for a full enrollment of camp with 57 registrations! We are very happy and grateful that on our first day everything went well under the guidance of a dedicated, experienced and talented team.

July 2: from Anne Marie Coloumbe

The children are getting more comfortable now, so the church is echoing with shouting, singing and laughter. I am impressed, as every year, by the helpfulness of the entire American team and their eagerness to offer their help. Pray that they will practice "careful, calm, and assertive leadership," as Olivia Durham, our director says.

July 3: from Rebecca Jacques

A teen of 13 years told me tonight that she loves to be with us at the camp. Her favorite part, she  told me, was to learn English and see the skits, the music, and the crafts. May the Word of God strongly carry the hearts of our children, small and large, along with us! 

July 5: from Olivia Durham

There was a huge turnout at the final night "Super Special" program, and the church fed at least 140 people!

July 6: from Olivia Durham, Camp Director

We feel so close to our church family here in St Georges, who continue to host us graciously and generously. We are encouraged to see God adding to their number and many more young children under age 5 – future campers! They are patient with our teens and encourage them endlessly. What a wonderful opportunity for our teens to labor for love and not for only money, in joy, through exhaustion and heat, learning the joy of giving. They have been tremendous and God has answered prayer in each precious individual on this team. Pastor Damon Young, summer  intern from Covenant OPC, Barre, VT, enthusiastically and adeptly applied the Word to our situation and modeled servant leadership and gracious hospitality. 

Video Clip and Photos:


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Ministry Team 2019: A Light in a Dark Desert


English for Kids 2019: Week Two in Quebec City