Pray for English Camp in the Czech Republic

Update as of March 19, 2020English Camp in the Czech RepublicThe team is full! Team coordinator, Sherry Wagner reports, "They are now in the throes of lesson planning. This is a major undertaking since our camp will minister to about 120 Czechs. We will provide morning English lessons, afternoon activities and evening programs during the week of camp. One special concern this year is that most of our team are new to this type of ministry with only a few veterans. The unknown can cause a lot of fear and trepidation so we ask for them to know the comfort and encouragement of the Holy Spirit in their planning. Technology is a beautiful thing so we can use it to share ideas and examples of lessons--which is huge! Since our team is formed from members of the OPC from all over the US, staying in constant contact this way helps us form up as a team long before we actually meet each other in Prague. In fact, our two official planning meetings are actually held via Skype!

Our theme this year is Exploration so we will be gathering decor items, prizes and skit costumes all of which will be hand-carried over by the members of the team along with lesson plans, copies of worksheets, American candy, makings for s’mores, craft requirements, etc. Our evening lessons will be on the subject of Exploring the Bible with the adult talks led by Pastor Roger Wagner who has led our camp since its inception in 2004. Two regular members of our team that will be sorely missed are Pastor George and Eileen Scipione.
Please pray for our team to find its confidence in the Lord and to keep the furtherance of His kingdom in the forefront of their hearts and minds as they prepare."



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