Small Roofing Team in Haiti

OPC Missionary Ben Hopp writes:After almost two years in the planning, we were finally able to host a construction team to complete the Kaliko Roofing Project. Unrest in the past required this team to be canceled twice. We are thankful that the Lord provided a safe window for the team, coming mainly from Wisconsin OP churches, to complete the project. The seven team members arrived just before the Coronavirus grew serious in the US and before the US Embassy in Haiti upgraded the Haiti Travel Warning to Level 4: Do Not Travel.The old asbestos shingles were removed, and new ones were put on. The entire house had new aluminum soffits and fascia installed. The team worked on a blistering hot, sun-baked roof for three days. They moved safely up and down the ladders for five days and used tethers to protect them from sliding off the steep pitch on the roof. They worked sun-up to sundown. The roof project was successfully completed last week.We are so thankful to the team for their faithful and joyful labors, including the wife of one of the members who came to help [my wife] Heather prepare meals and fellowship with her. Our kids were able to participate in some of the many smaller jobs that make our daily life easier. We thank the Lord that so many jobs got done![envira-gallery id="28324"]


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