Six Years at the Boardwalk Chapel

Elanor from the Harvest PCA Team at the Boardwalk Chapel writes,"This was my 6th year coming to the Chapel with my youth group! I absolutely love the true sense of fellowship that I’ve only ever felt at the chapel. It really feels like all the bloat of modern church life falls away, and I feel connected to the disciples of the early church. It’s just Christ, our calling, and our love for one another. Coming with the youth group for a week creates an atmosphere of honesty and service to one another, and it gives us opportunities to love each other in ways that we miss otherwise in day to day life. Every year that I’ve visited Wildwood, I’ve seen the Lord work. This year I was able to pray for a family of strangers whose children were addicted to drugs, and they were deeply moved by our boldness to share Christ’s love for their lives. In my own life, visiting the chapel has peeled away layers of pride in my life in relationship to others in my youth group. I’ve had to learn how to ask for correction and forgiveness, and how to forgive. Something new that I’ve taken home from this summer was an increased boldness in proclaiming my faith, and in initiating fellowship in my friend groups. I've received a boldness to have those hard conversations, to ask where they’re at in their walk with Christ, and if they don’t know Him, to boldly point them to the cross. This coming semester at College I will be involved in bible studies with strangers, and I feel more equipped than ever to defend my faith and share it with others."


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