Jump out of Your Comfort Zone

Rachel, from New Hope OPC in Maryland, shares about her recent experience at the Boardwalk Chapel:
“Hi everyone! I have been coming to the Chapel for 5 years now with my youth group. What I love most about being at the BWC is the community that you create when you are here. You truly feel like a family, both with the youth group and with the staff. I also love being forced to get out of my comfort zone with evangelizing. It’s always scary at first but God works through you and He really shows you how much He’s with you. God has been working on control in my life, showing me that His plan is far better than my plan. I have had to learn to trust Him more. Being here, God has been working on repentance, going to Him with everything I’ve done and having no fear of being condemned. He tells us in His word that there is no condemnation for those who know Christ and that He didn’t come to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved. After this past week at the Chapel, I’m going to take home a new trust in the Lord. He proved to me this week that he is always with me and he is always guiding me. Evangelizing scares me but I prayed that I would trust God and trust that he would speak through me and he did just that. Praise God! The BWC is kind of my heaven on earth and I would encourage everyone to go!! Jump out of your comfort zone!!”

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Six Years at the Boardwalk Chapel