Two brothers, Justin and Luke, have spent many summers serving at the Chapel and are confident their faith has been strengthened because of it. They share their favorite things about the chapel, and why they keep coming back.

Justin: "My favorite thing about the Chapel is that our efforts to evangelize are steeped in prayer. It helps the kids see revival in the church doesn’t come without lots and lots of prayer. And while you’re here, expect people to come to Christ! I feel like every single week I see people come to Christ. I also like seeing the kids learn how to evangelize. So many people are afraid to share their faith. And then once you do it, it’s like, 'Oh, this is absolutely not what I thought it was.' I thought it was angry people drawing a line in the sand between us and them, but it’s very loving. It’s the most loving thing you can do as a believer. I want that for the kids in my church. I also want that for leaders in my church."

Luke: "Everything is just drowned with prayer, in a good way. The Boardwalk Chapel, every single year, immerses you in Scripture and in prayer. It puts you face-to-face with the cross. It shows you what it means to not just be a Christian but live out a life that is pleasing to God. My second-favorite thing, then, would be that it changes the dynamic within the youth group. All of a sudden everything is more Christ-focused when you’re here, and when you leave, it gets carried out into life outside the Chapel. The main thing I take home is how to have those conversations in a bold, confident, but yet loving and gentle way with unbelievers. Whether they be strangers or friends. And that helps me. I go to college, Christopher Newport University. It prepares you for those countless conversations you have, not just every once in a while, but on a frequent basis."

Finally, they shared what they would say to someone thinking about the coming to the Chapel.

Luke: You kind of have to do it. Take the leap of faith. Do it—prayerfully—but do it!

Justin: It’s hard to explain what it is, what it does, without being here. Don’t not do it.


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E4K 2022: A Little Taste of Heaven