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News, Reports, & Testimonials

"It Was a Blessing To Help"

"It Was a Blessing To Help"

“I’d like to say it was life-changing. The experience was unlike anything I’ve ever done before. Living among a culture of people on the mission compound and the surrounding area was so completely different yet such an amazing experience. I am so thankful to the Lord that I had this opportunity and could serve in some capacity.”

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Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

“There is no way to even start to understand life here without being here. Living here, seeing how the mission operates—it’s been enjoyable and eye-opening,” says Jed Homan, Missionary Associate at the OP Uganda Mission. Jed is beginning his third month of work in Nakaale, Karamoja, Uganda and reports that it has been satisfying to be able to make progress on the various maintenance projects he’s been working on and knowing that what he’s doing is serving the mission.

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Evangelism Everywhere

Evangelism Everywhere

“Gospel-sharing starts right where you are, and it goes out from there. Evangelism isn’t reserved for far-away mission trips—evangelism should be a part of the Christian’s daily life,” says Tyler Detrick, pastor of Light of the Nations OPC in Dayton, Ohio. This convicting statement is not mere sentiment for Pastor Detrick but is strongly supported by his demonstrated passion for and work in the area of evangelism and missions.

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The Boardwalk Chapel: Teaching through Reaching

The Boardwalk Chapel: Teaching through Reaching

As each summer day comes to its end in Wildwood, New Jersey, the sun fades and is almost seamlessly replaced by twinkling fluorescent bulbs all along the boardwalk. Running the length of Wildwood beach, the boardwalk attracts vacationers with two-and-a-half miles of enticingly aromatic food, boisterous music, carnival games, and intriguing storefronts. Stepping out on the boardwalk ushers a tidal wave of sensational entertainment upon its entrant. Yet, situated in the midst of it all lies one storefront that does not fit in with the rest. Above its awning, a light shines on a simple sign that reads “Boardwalk Chapel”.

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The Boardwalk Chapel: A Unique Experience

The Boardwalk Chapel: A Unique Experience

“The teaching at the Chapel is definitely Gospel-centered. It’s speaking the truth to others, and the need to speak it in love. Not argumentative, not from a place above them because we’re sinners just like they are. The boardwalk is another awesome experience for the rest of the teens.”

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A Short-Term Trip to South Sudan, Again!
STM 2022, STORM Report Opening Trish Duggan STM 2022, STORM Report Opening Trish Duggan

A Short-Term Trip to South Sudan, Again!

One of the reasons for the visit to Juba in South Sudan was to talk to the brothers in the Sudanese Reformed Church (SRC) about the possibility of having their young men trained at the OPC’s Knox School of Theology, established and run by the OP Uganda Mission in Mbale.  Knox is a 12 hour bus-ride from Juba.  Jackson, the director of Knox, plans to build “Juba Lodge”, a dormitory which will enable young men to come from South Sudan, stay, and study for a semester at a time.  The hope is that some of these young men will come from the refugee population, giving them a way to move forward with their education, that upon completion they might return and bring spiritual nourishment to many hungry souls in the IDP camps as ordained ministers of the Sudanese Reformed Church.

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