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New Staff Housing for Akisyon A Yesu in Uganda
Trish Duggan Trish Duggan

New Staff Housing for Akisyon A Yesu in Uganda

For many years the Committee on Diaconal Ministries (CDM) has supported Akisyon A Yesu (The Compassion of Jesus) Presbyterian Clinic (AYPC), a small, outpatient-only clinic located in rural Uganda, opened in 2002. AYPC provides many medical and laboratory services in the context of a Christian environment to those who previously had little to no medical care.

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"It Was a Blessing To Help"

"It Was a Blessing To Help"

“I’d like to say it was life-changing. The experience was unlike anything I’ve ever done before. Living among a culture of people on the mission compound and the surrounding area was so completely different yet such an amazing experience. I am so thankful to the Lord that I had this opportunity and could serve in some capacity.”

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Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Update on Missionary Associate Jed Homan

“There is no way to even start to understand life here without being here. Living here, seeing how the mission operates—it’s been enjoyable and eye-opening,” says Jed Homan, Missionary Associate at the OP Uganda Mission. Jed is beginning his third month of work in Nakaale, Karamoja, Uganda and reports that it has been satisfying to be able to make progress on the various maintenance projects he’s been working on and knowing that what he’s doing is serving the mission.

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