2018 English for Kids: Photos and Reports from the Field (St-Georges)

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ENGLISH FOR KIDS 2018 (St-Georges, Quebec)

English for Camp Bible Camp took place June 30 - July 7, 2018, at a reformed church in St-Georges de Beauce, Quebec. The camp was directed by Mrs. Olivia Durham (Covenant OPC, Barre, VT) and led by a team of 22 from:

  • Covenant OPC (Barre, VT)
  • Pilgrim OPC (Dover, NH)
  • Jaffrey OPC (Jaffrey, NH)
  • First Church of Merrimack OPC (Merrimack, NH)
  • Presbyterian Church of Cape Cod OPC (West Barnstable, MA)

Verse of the week: Jonah 2: 9-10

Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them.
But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you.
What I have vowed I will make good.
I will say, ‘Salvation comes from the Lord.’”

Reports from the Field:

Day 1:

We are so thankful for a good time of reuniting with our brothers and sisters in Christ at the Reformed church in St Georges de Beauce. God has been answering our prayers and there are two new young families in the congregation here, people who grew up in the area and have now moved back. How encouraging for all of them! Lots of campers, several newcomers, and parents or grandparents present during the morning skit time. 60 CAMPERS TOTAL!

Day 2: 

A sweet girl of about 9 came up to me on Tuesday with a huge hug and “Thank you so much! I love English camp!”  Some priceless moments like this balance out the nitty gritty details and coordination “weeds” that come with our labor.  I continue to be thankful for a sweet attitude of a staff trying to be conscientious and consistent in spite of fatigue and distractions.  One boy had a good conversation with a translator about the ‘idols’ of the sailors of Jonah and the ‘idols’ of our day of money and possessions; that was a totally new idea to him.

Day 3:

One mom mentioned today, after a nice chat with Sharon, that her unbelieving in-laws are hopefully coming to the Friday night dinner. She is excited for the opportunity for them to hear the Gospel again!

A young camper also asked to pray to receive Christ today! Please pray for Suyze, that the Lord would care for her in her youth (she mentioned intimidation problems at school) We gave her a Bible for her to read at home. Praise the Lord for young hearts that are tender to the truth.

Day 5: 

Friday night is our big “spectacle” with a large musical production of the book of Jonah that includes parts for all the classes. 

The songs were specially written for each part by Sharon Knotts, retired elementary music teacher from First Church Merrimac, OPC, in Merrimack, NH.  

Her last 4 years with our camp have really raised our “game” as far as performance skills and we are very thankful for her. 

God has been good to us all and it’s wonderful to see how the E4K teens have grown and flourished from year to year to take on more responsibility. Some of them teach the classes, lead others in cleaning the building, organize the games and sports and crafts. They love to be together. It is a privilege to invest in the next generation of God’s church.

Like Sailing Before the Wind

Click here for Olivia Durham's closing report on English for Kids, "Like Sailing Before the Wind."

Photo Gallery:


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2018 Uruguay English Club: Photos and Reports from the Field


2018 English for Kids: Photos and Reports from the Field (Quebec City)