Whether you’re intrigued by the adventure of exploring and evangelizing in Prague, getting a taste of the Ugandan “outback” in Karamoja, or honing your evangelism skills at the sunny Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, OPC Short-Term Missions really does have an opportunity for all! Although there are many differences in these fields, they have one thing in common: there are people at each location who need to hear the gospel! Time is running out to get in on these trips, so be sure to learn about each one below and reach out to the contact person listed for the field you’re interested in—even if it’s just to ask a simple question! Parents, have you ever talked to your son or daughter about participating in short-term missions? Short-term missions is a great way for them to travel and sightsee while deepening their relationship with Christ.

The Boardwalk Chapel

Interested in spending a part or all your summer serving or evangelizing on the Wildwood, NJ boardwalk? Although there are no more slots available for church ministry teams at the Boardwalk chapel this summer, there are a multitude of ways youth and adults can get involved! Currently, full time and junior summer staff are still needed! A drama leader and female room leaders are especially needed, though there are many other volunteer staff opportunities available on the evangelism, domestics, music, and drama teams. Learn more about each of these positions at OPCSTM.org, or reach out to Anastasia Ferguson.

Child Care in Uganda

Spend one to three months in Uganda this summer or fall helping care for missionary children! The OP Uganda Mission (OPUM) is looking to welcome individual short-term visitors gifted in the area of childcare and/or hospitality who could help organize various activities such as science projects, special activities, playing card games, going on hikes, playing physical education types of games, riding bikes, and just sharing daily life with the children of the missionary families. Please visit OPCSTM.org for more important details.

English for Kids: St. Georges, Quebec

Considering a mission’s opportunity on this side of the Atlantic? English for Kids is a week-long (June 24 - July 1) English immersion Bible day camp for elementary-aged children of Quebec. Volunteers are needed to teach, organize activities, participate in skits, and serve in many other ways! This trip is organized by the Presbytery of New England and New York (PNYNE) and is open to those ages 13 and up. The cost for each short-term missionary is $225, which includes travel (from New England), food, and lodging. Please reach out to Olivia Durham if you or your youth group is interested.

Team to Japan

The Japan Mission is eager to receive a mission’s team this summer! There is plenty to get involved with, including service in the community, Vacation Bible School, tract distribution, and a special need for a carpenter (especially if you have an experienced carpenter in your group). If your church group (adults or youth) or the youth of your presbytery are interested in serving in Japan for at least a week, contact Woody Lauer!

Team Praha

Join a team for three weeks of hiking, sightseeing, friendship evangelism among teens and young adults, and leadership of two Vacation Bible Schools in the Czech Republic! The trip is being planned for July 24 to August 14, 2023, with OP missionaries Jerry and Marilyn Farnik accompanying and serving with the team. The cost of the entire trip is $800, plus airfare.

Up to five team members (guys and girls ages 16-30) are still needed to complete the team. Apply while you still can—the deadline has been extended! For more information or an application, please contact Kathleen Winslow.

School of Evangelism

Join Dr. Henry Krabbendam and Rev. Chris Byrd at the Boardwalk Chapel for a week of intensive evangelism training! This training is for anyone who is interested in learning about evangelism or sharpening their ability to communicate the gospel. Throughout the course of the week, a broad range of topics will be covered, all concerning evangelism: the Gospel, apologetics, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. Teaching sessions are accompanied by “field training” opportunities, where you’ll be able to put all that you’ve learned into practice! Learn more and register here.

Missionary Associates

Missionary associates are individuals who serve on a foreign mission field for a term of three to twenty-four months. As such, they often have roles on the field that have a longer-term scope. This kind of service is not limited to the summer months—most positions can begin on your schedule! Learn more about missionary associates here.

  • Uganda

Do you like to get your hands dirty on a project? Are you curious about serving on a mission field? This may be just the combination you’ve been looking for. The Uganda Mission is looking for an individual skilled in maintenance projects (especially welding, vehicle repair, and general grounds work) to come for a month or more. Learn more by visiting OPCSTM.org, and if you would like to be considered for service, please apply here.

  • Uruguay

Do you have interest and gifting in music or operating audio/visual technology? Do you have a working knowledge of Spanish? The OP Uruguay Mission in Montevideo, Uruguay, is seeking Missionary Associates to assist with outreach, evangelism, and music in the worship service. Persons with gifts in music, especially guitar and/or keyboard accompaniment, as well as some expertise in soundboard operation and music technology, would be a blessing to the Uruguay mission at this time. If this sounds like an opportunity for you, the Uruguay mission is eager to welcome you! Contact Douglas Clawson for more information.

Summer is quickly approaching and now is the time to plan! Learn more about all our opportunities at OPCSTM.org, or reach out to us at OPCShortTermMissions@opc.org with any questions.


A Time of Spiritual Growth in the Ugandan Wilderness: Missionary Associate Jed Homan


A Kingdom Investment Worth Making