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God’s Continued Goodness in Quebec: E4K 2024

God’s Continued Goodness in Quebec: E4K 2024

From singing hymns and enjoying good food together to acting out Bible stories for the little ones, English for Kids camp in Saint Georges De Beauce was an incredible blessing to both the campers and the staff team.

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STM 2023 Wrap-Up: Short-Term Missions, Long-Term Blessings

STM 2023 Wrap-Up: Short-Term Missions, Long-Term Blessings

Summer 2023 is gone just as quickly as it came. For the first time in multiple years, OPC Short-Term Missions is thankful to be able to look back on a summer full of teams traveling around the globe to assist missionaries, engage in evangelism, and to reach the lost with the gospel.

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Short-Term Missions for All!

Short-Term Missions for All!

Whether you’re intrigued by the adventure of exploring and evangelizing in Prague, getting a taste of the Ugandan “outback” in Karamoja, or honing your evangelism skills at the sunny Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, OPC Short-Term Missions really does have an opportunity for all!

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E4K in Quebec: Great is Thy Faithfulness!

E4K in Quebec: Great is Thy Faithfulness!

Sunday afternoon a lite rain passed over our house. A few minutes later, our son Kaelan called out, “There is a rainbow!” What a nice way to end our English for Kids Bible camp about Noah and the rainbow. When we went outside to look, there were in fact two rainbows! 

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