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A Time of Spiritual Growth in the Ugandan Wilderness: Missionary Associate Jed Homan

A Time of Spiritual Growth in the Ugandan Wilderness: Missionary Associate Jed Homan

Some have likened Karamoja to the “Wild West” or referred to it as the “Ugandan Wilderness.” In this region there is a great need for the light of the Gospel to shine forth in the area’s culture and in the hearts of its people.

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Short-Term Missions for All!

Short-Term Missions for All!

Whether you’re intrigued by the adventure of exploring and evangelizing in Prague, getting a taste of the Ugandan “outback” in Karamoja, or honing your evangelism skills at the sunny Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, OPC Short-Term Missions really does have an opportunity for all!

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OPC Short-Term Missions is Making A Comeback in 2022

OPC Short-Term Missions is Making A Comeback in 2022

No doubt you’ve noticed the near-depleted list of short-term mission opportunities the past two years due to COVID restrictions. But praise the Lord, things seem to be changing and we’re encouraged!

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