Isabelle Ferguson, member of Grace OPC in Westfield, NJ and a former volunteer at the Boardwalk Chapel, has returned this year to serve as a Junior Staffer.

I decided to come back to the Chapel because I love the community here. Being around fellow Christians who have a burden for evangelism and doing that work together makes it feel like we are all one big family. Plus, it’s encouraging to receive training and grow in my evangelism skills. That’s my favorite part of being on junior staff—the discipleship. It is so important to everyone here and the training is always well prepared and relatable to us.

I would encourage others to serve at the Chapel, especially on staff, because it's a really great experience, unlike anything else. Between the community you have with all of the staff, the time you spend with them, and the friends you make, as well as the growth you get through the discipleship and the devotions, there aren’t many better uses of your time.

The Boardwalk Chapel still has slots open for the second iteration of Junior Staff! This is a great way for 16- and 17-year-olds to serve, whether it’s for the full iteration, or just a week or two. Visit to learn more.


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