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My Most Memorable Trip
2024 STM, Get Inspired Trish Duggan 2024 STM, Get Inspired Trish Duggan

My Most Memorable Trip

My short-term mission trip to Thousand Oaks, California has been my most memorable so far. While there, our group helped Thousand Oaks Presbyterian Church, an OPC church plant, run their annual VBS. Our time was spent setting up the venue with decorations and activities, singing gospel songs, playing games, memorizing Scripture verses, and helping wherever else was needed. We also had a lot of fellowship time with the various families of the church there.

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Growing Closer to the Lord and His People

Growing Closer to the Lord and His People

This summer, my family of nine flew over the Caribbean Sea the way to Puerto Rico. It wasn’t for a cool summer vacation, or merely because we enjoy travelling as a family. The real reason was somewhat simple—for God’s glory.

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